General Manager for local theatre wanted. Administrative management experience required. Good organizational, communication and time management skills. Resumes accepted until Jan 31st.
Send those resumes to
Barrow Civic Theatre
POB 1089
Franklin PA 16323
Deadline Jan 31st 2008
Call (814) 432-5196 for more info.
Student poets are invited to enter an original work for the annual Day of Poetry at the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville.
Poems must be entered by Feb. 4. Contact Dr. Herbert Kitson at the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville, 827-4433 or, for more information.
Event sponsors include the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville, the city of Titusville and Titusville and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
The Devil Came on Horseback
Well done person at Clarion whose-name-I-don't-know-but-should-who-runs-the-cultural-stuff. Although the website hasn't been updated yet, the Clarion University Venango Campus Independent Film Series for Spring 2008 has been announced - and it's really very good (with the exception of Juno, which I alone in the world loathe). The films start the 19th with Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles
More well deserved kudos for the Oil City Arts Czar, Joann Wheeler.
"It is no longer an upstart - it's legitimate," Wheeler said, adding the concerts will continue to be held in the alleyway between the National Transit and Annex buildings. The South Side Business Association, she added, is considering a concert series in connection with the farmer's market on that side of town.
Information on the arts revitalization efforts is available by contacting Wheeler at 676-5303 or checking on the Internet.
Each year The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts conducts an annual Call for Artists for artists ages 21+ living in the Mid Atlantic region of the United States (PA, OH, MD, NY, NJ, VA, WVA, DE and Washington DC). To be considered, proposals from individuals and/or groups must be received by the deadline and adhere to the Application Guidelines below. Due to the historic nature of the museum, installation and video is not encouraged.
Application Guidelines:
1. Resume/CV including contact information: name, address, phone, and email.
2. Artists Statement clearly defining the body of work and the intent of the proposal
3. 10 to 15 numbered slides or digital images on CD including name, title, medium, dimensions and year completed. If submitting digital images, they must be in the form of a jpeg and not exceed 500kb. Please note all work must have been completed in the last 3 years and, if accepted, will represent the body of work you intend to exhibit. Alterations to the original proposal will not be exhibited without prior consent of the museum.
4. A corresponding slide/digital image list including the information above.
5. Self addressed, stamped envelope for return of materials.
6. Review fee of $30.00
Consult the Solo Exhibitions webpage for the current year’s deadline and mail submission materials to:
The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts
Attn: Call for Artists
124 East Leasure Avenue
New Castle, PA 16101
Questions may be directed to 724.652.2882 ext 14 or
Pittsburgh Playwrights Theater Company is currently accepting full length and one act plays submissions for its 2008 Reading Series.
If you would like the opportunity to have your original work read by your friends and peers for a live audience, please send a synopsis and ten-page sample of your work along with your name, phone number, and e-mail address to
Next Saturday, January 19, 2008, at 8pm, the internationally-acclaimed instrumental quartet Hesperus will perform live French Renaissance music for a rare screening of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Veteran Status at last night's Brother Bean show:
Veteran Status next show at Edinboro's Eclectic Etceteras on Jan 25 2008 at 5:00 pm
Reprinting public domain books via
I've been listening to this
downloadable Rana Mansour show and
Dizzy Gillespie - Umbria Jazz Festival 1976
Emily Aubele would be the wonderful person who came up with the lineup for the Spring '08 films - she does an amazing job.
I can't believe you hated Juno! When I saw it, everyone applauded at the end; it has been years since I have experienced that in a movie theater.
Well, as a 30-something guy with a 16.5 year old daughter, I'm probably not the core audience.
In a nutshell, I thought the Gilmore Girls style wacky dialogue was arch and awful and played out, but worse, the idea that an adolescent could have a child, give it up, and then walk away to resume her life without emotional consequence ran completely counter to every woman I know who has gone through that experience.
And if that means my hipster pass gets revoked, so be it.
True, true... it was just pretty funny I thought, although very unrealistic life-wise.
I'm definitely not revoking your pass though - you are this areas ticket to hipness:)
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