Friday, July 21, 2006

Oil Heritage Schedule

Hope to see you at the Erie Book Store tonight at 6:30 pm.

And that, my friend, is why she's the Arts Champ. I complained yesterday that I couldn't find a pdf of the Oil Heritage activities, and Joann Wheeler sent me the link ASAP. Thanks JoAnn!

Just got through last Sunday's newspapers. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette profiled Titusville's Caboose Motel.
Or "cabeese," as OC&T secretary (and postmaster) Lou Adelson likes to call them for fun. He says the actual word "caboose" evolved from the Dutch kabuis, for the kitchen on early ships. They traditionally were red for visibility. Railroad crews shrunk as engines and freight trains got huge and high-tech. By the 1980s, cabeese were replaced by remote radio "End of Train" devices (EOTs), or as railroaders call them, FREDs, for Flashing Rear End Devices.

You are singlehandedly destroying WSEE. If you even have a slight interest in local media, you owe to yourself to check out the insanity that is going on in the Erie Media Go Round blog. Wow.

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