Thursday, August 04, 2005

Taste of Franklin, Dublin Carol Auditions, and a new mural for downtown

The News Herald beat me and my camera to a picture of the new mural going up in the downtown in the alley beside Feldman's Jewelers on Liberty (route 322) between W. Park and 12th Streets.

The artist, Ed Ramage, also does scenery and acting for the local Barrow Civic Theatre and is embarrassingly good at all of it.

Dublin Carol auditions are Friday, August 5, 2005 from 6-7pm and on Saturday , August 6, 2005 from 1-2pm. The auditions will be held in the Little Theatre (1223 Liberty St). People auditioning are asked to enter through the side alley door. Performance dates are September 15 and 16 at 8:00pm in the Little Theatre. It's a depressing little play, but wonderfully written. Oh, and I'm directing. I'd love to get some new people involved. You can read a review of a professional performance here.
Finally it's Taste of Franklin on Sunday in Franklin's Fountain Park from 11 am - 4 pm

There'll be all the usual - overpriced snacks, a motorcycle cruise-in, and local 70's jazz band performing in Bandstand Park from 11 am - 2 pm. To me, Franklin tastes like something you'd find in the candy bowl of a maiden aunt - old ribbon candy that clung together in one big clump, and after licking off the Victorian powdered sugar, slightly mildewed and bitter. But, hey, that's just me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's an open mike at the dotcom cafe Saturday night -- Ben (my son) will be one of those performing -- singing and playing guitar...!

Love the picture of Ed.