Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Silver Cornet band plays in Franklin's Bandstand Park tonight at 7:30 pm. Come see Venangoland scribe Pete Greene tootle his strumbungler. By which I mean play with one of the country's finest community bands.

This Saturday is another chance to take an orientation class at the Franklin Public Library for the Region's Grant Center. The free, one hour class starts at 2pm and runs for about an hour. Sign up calling (814) 432-5062.

The Beginner's Guide to Indie Hip-Hop

Anarchists need picnics too.

The Pittsburgh City Paper previews tomorrow's Rust Belt Bloggers Summit taking place in Erie on July 11-12.

Free and Legal Downloads:

The Evens Live at Ahimsa House on February 25, 2007

Mike Watt Live at Jillian's on February 6, 1998

The Ditty Bops Live at Freight & Salvage Coffee House on March 7, 2008


Anonymous said...

As much as I wish I could be tootling my strumbungler (okay, my instrument was originally called a sackbut, so strumbuglinerwhatever doesn't sem that bad), I am, in fact, in LA visiting my son (today is his 21st birthday) and so will miss a concert for the first time in a long time. but thanks for the plug!

Pete Greene

Dittman said...

It figures that the first SC concert I go to, you'll be gone, but a sackbut! That's fantastic. I'm writing that one down! Enjoy LA and tell the boy to have a happy one from me and my family.