I haven't really read enough Romance novels to judge this one, but I will say that I giggled everytime she used the word "womanhood" to refer to...you know...tee-hee.
Dressel's next installment in the series comes out in two weeks.
Venangoland says goodbye to Conneaut Lake Park.
The Jose White String Quartet will perform at 3 pm Feb 10th at Marwick Boyd Auditorium at Clarion University. Free and open to the public.
Namoli Brennet plays a free show Wedensay at noon at the Venango Campus' Rhoades Center.
She'll follow up with the inaugural concert at 8 pm Saturday Feb 9th in Oil City's newly reopened Latonia Theatre (1 E 1st St, Oil City) Tickets at door $10 general, $5 student
She'll follow up with the inaugural concert at 8 pm Saturday Feb 9th in Oil City's newly reopened Latonia Theatre (1 E 1st St, Oil City) Tickets at door $10 general, $5 student
Pianist Dennis Geib plays a free show 7:30 pm Feb 11th at the Belles Lettres Clubhouse (W. 1st St OC) presented by the Schubert Musical and Literary Club
The Barrow is promoting an evening of "operetta" on Saturday March 8th, more info when I get it, but I'm thinking more HMS Pinafore and less Candide. Not that there's a thing wrong with that.
I Made It! Market and the Brew House Association present:I Made It! Now accepting applications for vendors/clothing designers for fashion show.To apply, send your name, email address, phone number, business name, URL and three images of your work to imadeitpgh@gmail.com
Local Motion is looking for designers for the 2008 event to be held in September. Local Motion is an annual Fashion Show featuring local designers, models and stylists. Last year, more than 300 people gathered at the New Hazlett Theater to celebrate Pittsburgh's local fashion designers and talent. Proceeds from the show benefitted Dress for Success, an international non-profit organization which provides professional clothing, programs and ongoing support to help women become self-sufficient and successful in their careers. If you are a local clothing designer and would like to be involved with the '08 event, please fill out the form on the CONTACT page.
The Holga Show is Erie area Photmoedia's second annual show of fine art photography produced from toy cameras with plastic lenses, such as the Holga.
The "usual gang of idiots" now includes Pulitzer Winners.
Over the Rhine has announced a March 21st 21+ show at Mr Smalls Theatre
frostburn is the Pittsburgh regional Burning Man festival. If anyone's going, I'd love to hear about it. I missed out on the early registration and can't justify the full gate price.
Free and Legal Downloads
Over the Rhine Live at St. Elizabeth (Cincinatti, OH) December 16, 2007
David Bazan Live at TT the Bears (Cambridge, MA) October 27th, 2007
Pittsburgh's The Karl Hendricks Trio Live at Great Scott (Allston, MA) November 11th, 2004
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