Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ruining Venango one sidewalk at a time.

What's the key to bringing more people to Franklin? Tear up the slate sidewalks, replace them with concrete slabs and have everyone ride their bikes on the sidewalk! Welcome to pedestrian hell! Thanks Jim Holden! (not surprisingly, Jim doesn't actually live in the city). Did someone say this sounds like a job for Critical Mass?

What this Derrick article really does (and by extension the whole morning paper today) is point out one of the big problems of this area in terms of revitalization - everyone's got a pet project and no one ever says "no" to anything - as a result we have a schizo area - "We're the oil heritage, no wait, it's the Victorian, ooops, no it's an artist's mistake, we're bicycle town USA, but wait, what about the whitewater..." So, until everyone can get on the same page, we'll keep okaying and cock-eyed plan that comes down the pike (as long as there is still grant money to pay for it all), hiring consultants, and wondering why no one wants to come visit their crazy rural cousin who sits quietly in the woods gibbering about self-identity.

Sorry. I guess I just really like slate sidewalks.

Speaking of towns that scare the hell out of me, Sam Gordon gives some love to Grove City's upcoming Strawberry Days festival.

Huzzah and kudos for local meat at the Meadville Market House - now, any chance of it being organic?

The Erie Art Museum has a press conference scheduled for Thurday afternoon at 4:30 pm with a major announcement. (via

USA Today takes a look at literary blogs.

Still searching for the perfect Flag Day present for me? Look no more!:

This is quite possibly the greatest thing you could ever have in your flower bed. These two helpful Gnome-Be-Gones ($125) rid your yard of any pesky garden gnome who happens to be wandering through. They're hand-made from spare metal parts, but they're sure to keep the shrubs, tulips and pets safe from those sinister European goblins. Trust us, you don't even want to know what the gnomes have recently been doing to your dog. Not pretty.

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