Saturday, June 04, 2005

Recreated BoomTown, eh?

Michael Molitoris has a good piece in today's Derrick about the 27th annual Oil Heritage Festival running from July 21-24, 2005. Apparently, they're looking to expand.
What's buried in the story though, and to me the most interesting, is the role that the contentious Venango Area Chamber of Commerce played in the expansion. Will the local burg that decided not to join forces come to regret it? Remains to be seen, but it's nice to see the group putting some money where it's mouth is.
The events themselves leave me a little ho-hum - a garden display, a local bluegrass band. No word yet on whether the "the mini oil boomtown known as Pipeline Alley next to the Transit" will be a replica of Pithole, complete with whores, liquor, gunfights and gambling, but I'm holding out hope...
Hour by hour schedules available in about four weeks - I'll have it posted...

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